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Templator tags

Templator understands following tags:

This tag specifies the character encoding of the template. Output produced will be of this same encoding.
    <?? ISO-8859-2 ?>
<?! JAVA ?>
Java code will be inserted before the template class definition. This is normally used to define extra imports.
        import java.util.*;
        import org.problem.*;
<?@ METHOD ?>
You can add additional methods to template class.
        private int evaluate(int a, int b) {
                return a+b;
<? JAVA ?>
Anything inside this tag will be treated as Java source code and will be inserted as is.
        for (Evaluation e=((Vector)getVariable("friends")).elements();
                e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            String name=(String)e.nextElement();
    <p><?= name ?></p>
<?= EXPR ?>
Expression will be evaluated and printed to output during runtime. Make sure all symbols used in EXPR are defined.
    <p><?= name ?></p>